Saturday, July 25, 2015

want to read a book?

Today I did another procrastinated job. I awoke thinking I best check the boxes along the front near where I found the mold in Kaylin's stuff so once I uploaded the blogs for last couple days I headed out. Unfortunately I found more mold, this time Sheldon's box of money sets from GG were the victim. This will be a chore when he gets home but I believe his quote when I was distraught about Kaylin's stuff was "If there is anything of value, it should NOT be stored in there." Karma is a bugger Shelly.
Britt pulled the quad out and helped load boxes of books from the trailer to quad to house. Thanks B!! The book cases were wiped clean set up and the unboxing began. Many hours and many books later with another trip to the trailer and I had the library all set back up. Man do we have books, I did manage to purge a box full for the library and another for the Paetz family. So many memories as I shelved from all the way back to my childhood, to reading to the girls then them collecting books as well.
 holy cow heh? and that is not all the boxes even! but looks so lovely
Luckily I had a lady pop out as soon as I had the boxes all unpacked to take them away. At the exact same time another gal stopped out for a top I had posted this am so purging is well under way. It feels good to check off another job off the list too.

Britt worked on organizing her room but most of that consisted of laying on her bed watching movies but she did help begrudgingly when asked ;) Supper was more deep freeze purging too. After supper I forced her to walk the dogs, it was only 19 so was a brisk quick one but better than nothing. I worked on scrubbing to tall dresser and removing hardware. As I finished up around 10 Britt headed to Kyra's for  a sleepover. I threw up 2 more blog days and watched some more PVR, happy Saturday night.

 always chuckle at the water rings and designs carved into old dressers
Today is National Cowboy day, here's to the truest cowboy I know, XOXO

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