Friday, July 31, 2015

31 degree rodeo day

Ever have a fly that will not bugger off and keep waking you.. well we had one, actually two that thought it fun to touch down on our sleeping faces and bodies for about 2 hours before death was imminent. At least the effort to swat them required passing the coffee pot to start.

Sheldon went to town to take in the Ford dealer's Stampede breakfast then check panels at grounds. I got busy making beds up for company along with making fresh rhubarb pies and rhubarb syrup for punch.

Britt got up late as usual and after we all had a quick lunch we loaded up and were off to town. What a beauty day it was hitting a high of 31+. Our first mission was to get the tractor and restack all the panels from flat on a pallet to hung on fork arms to standing against the fence for easy pick up tomorrow night. Britt and I did most of the work while the head boss sat in the A/C tractor pushing buttons ;)
tough girls
Once we had gotten this task finished we had a cold drink at the truck before heading back in to watch the rodeo. It was good to see twins from back home there with their kids watching their roping husbands compete. A couple local boys rode as well too. Britt had to head off to work for 3-7 so only got to watch a short bit. It wrapped up at 5 and on the way home we grabbed hamburgers for our supper dropping one for the working girl too.
When she arrived home from work at 7:30 we were getting ready to head back into town, first stop the dump! She jumped in with us getting dropped with friends to head to a party while we went on to get more groceries for the punch. We also stopped for dog food but no luck for the jumbo bag in stock darn it. Well seeing it was such a nice night we picked up Tims and cruised the town checking out our old neighborhood and the chuck wagon horses romping in their pens after running their races.
Back at the ranch we walked the dogs to let the horses back out in the winter pasture. This worked perfect for their fitness regime as they carried on running and bucking for a good spell. The blue moon was just on the rise as we headed back to the house to escape the mozzies and relax for the rest of the night until child pickup from the party. A pretty good start to the long w/e I have to say.

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