Thursday, June 11, 2015

pink progress

I have had a new sleep plan for the last couple nights and it works like a dream.. or maybe I could finally sleep long enough to dream but spongy pink ear plugs work wonders. The previous night I topped it up with a natural sleep aid but both nights I had a great sleep. So needless to say I was awake at 7 am in the bright sunshine! And it is Britt's late start too, but I made coffee and got busy tidying the house.

I also put another coat of black stain on the vanity after a quick steel wool sand ready to spend the day drying. It is going to be hot so best get things moving. I ran a hose in the front flower beds giving them a nice drink. The lady who made the hour on the coffee table arrived during lunch with a friend who has custom work for me possibly too. As we were hauling it out a gentleman stopped to see Baby. He helped load it up, thank you ;)
He had called a few weeks back and was passing by. I ran and got her and she radiated all her charm minus the bugs in her nose bothering her. He hopes to send daughter and grand child tomorrow to see her. OK I best get her feet done so I hobbled her up to mow while I had lunch. Well after her first movement it was clear I had not hobbled her before but she took off like a firecracker RUNNING mock 9 with them intact. Careening around the outer edge of the grass and by the truck and trailer she came to a sliding stop at the gate, pivoted and burst ahead stopping at the garden shed by Hawk. The surprised look on her face said it all. I took them off, walked her to the hitching post, tied her up and she stood there waiting while I ate the best lunch ever!

thought Lola was out bonding with the horses but it seems maybe more so their road apples.. who me??
Once it was all poked in, I donned my hot coveralls and cowboy boots and gave her her pedicure. I then took her for a wee bareback with the halter around the pen before letting her gaze with Hawk & KD. Time to head in for a cold drink a wee bit of A/C time, lordy the A/C is running overtime this year already but thank goodness I convinced Sheldon to finally install it!

Back outside in the plus 27 but with high breeze I gave Lola a good brushing, she is sure shedding out to the long wiry coat and will be so glad to lose all the downy coat. A couple we know stopped out for a water tote and visit. They are east of us and have had zero rain, same place the horse guy was from (seems they know each other too, go figure small towns heh?) so I best not complain but it is hard seeing the paddocks crispy grass in powdery dust.
By supper the temp peaked at 29, with a drying harvest wind ;( I got busy painting the first coat of pink on the vanity & mirror. The heat did start to come down and around 8:30 I took the dogs for a walk. Lola managed to rustle up a gopher and caused quite a stir, all the dogs got in on it and the angry little rodent eventually ran down a fresh hole in the field. Back in the garage I forgot the stool so scrubbed it up and got its first coat on.

I was finishing up as Britt arrived home from work. Around 10 the wind kicked it up even more and for a brief spell the sky was brown full of the winery fields. Maybe it will blow in some rain, fingers crossed. Tomorrow is slated to be much cooler and a chance of rain so here's hoping.

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