Tuesday, June 9, 2015

painting and ladies night

Tuesday, early departure for Sheldon, this after he did another gonch coyote search at 3:15 am ;) Britt was up and ready early heading to school with her new wheels ;) I got busy in my work shop after a couple cups of motivator. Today I was doing the top of the coffee table to get it finished up.
 I did the top in a variety of colors trying a new one yet to use called wild horses
 then I dark waxed a couple coats to deepen all colors shown on right side
 dump day score.. should make a cute bench
 hardware before spray painting flat camo brown
here is flower girl pink I am planning to use on Hannah's vanity, I painted up a test board 2 coats and let dry

Britt was home early as spare last class, she got busy studying as diploma exams approach soon. I waited for Amanda to arrive and before 4 we were off to the city meeting Kaylin at Globefish for supper before our 6 pm Saje seminar. Lori B, Roxy & Jaedan C and Jessica U joined us there to take in yet another essential oil learning seminar. It was engaging as ever but once finished we fit in some quick visits before people dispersed. AJ and I went for a yummy Yogen Fruz and checked Davids Tea while finishing then headed home.

Britt and Grady were just getting home when we arrived at 9:30 from their baseball night. Julie, my picker gal, had left mine and Gail's goodies all neatly by the garage, thanks Julie!
I forgot to finally share the gift I made Sharon for her birthday, a pepper grinder in her green color, here it is in her home looking lovely.

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