Thursday, June 18, 2015

little more rain then some sun

Britt writes part B of Social 30 this am so was up and gone while we had coffee and tablet time in bed. Research was underway for the extra warranty packages, posting the enclave and getting a horse bill of sale. Shaina stopped for a quick visit dropping a huge bag of clothes, grab a coffee & banana bread, sign bill of sale and then we (Britt was now home from her test) headed over to see Baby just in case the buyers take her tonight. Then she was off to work the oilmens tournament in town. The day was overcast and dreary but no rain so should be ok on beer cart.

After lunch, Sheldon made it his project to built up the low spot on the south side of the shop using some of the top soil pile, leveled added gravel and then install the jumbo 1250 gal water tank and eves trough! Success!
I worked on the cupcake table after putting a chicken tortilla soup in the slow cooker. Britt avoided chores but was forced to wash a few pots before she was off to work for 3:30. When Sheldon came in for a cold beer at 4:30, the sun popped out and the rest of the evening was AMAZING! We enjoyed the soup and a relax before getting the energy to head out. If tomorrow is like today, maybe we can do the family photos but the yard is not ready. Sheldon harrowed the pastures while I walked the dogs, transplanted the dwarf lilac and a blueberry, dug out another that perished and then mowed the main yard.
LOVE the fresh cut grass look and twilight hours, so pretty and by now it was 20 degrees. Sheld grabbed the weed eater and trimmed the tree bases while I put up more tree trunk protectors and trimmed more trees including one Lola shredded over night, WHAT A DOG! I also threw in a couple garage laundry loads including halters for photos too. Great team work tonight to bring the yard up to picture worthy status.
Britt was home from work as we were finishing up so she ate some soup, unloaded the dishwasher and was back to town to visit friends at the Station. Time to wash off the mower/yard dust with 2nd shower of the day and kick back and relax on the most comfy bed ever!

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