Friday, June 5, 2015

goodbye sandford pile

Friday was a fantastic day. It was a sleep in day.. wait only after a 5 am wake up from both dogs. Sheldon went out to see and a coyote was right in the yard. Mr gonchy man quickly grabbed his gun, ammo and rubber boots and was off.He says it was misty and hard to see but never could get a shot off. Back in bed we both enjoyed waking up just before 10 ;)

I was off to town around 10:30 for my massage which was followed up by lunch with my girl friends to celebrate Sharon's birthday (Shaina's twin). It was great to catch up even if it wasn't that long. Happy birthday Sharon! After I was off to pick up some online garage sale scores and grab a couple ice caps as the weather was amazing!

Back at the ranch Sheldon was picking a few areas missed in the seeding that filled with weeds. he was pretty happy to get the ice cap i think. He had also graded the road too. Britt was home from sleepover, getting ready for work at 3. Once he finished up that we got busy on a project that has been nagging since the house build, the Sanford wood pile. 5 1/2 hours later we called it quits for the night with TONS of improvement. I posted all the spare siding and within an hour it was loaded and gone, nice to have it used and not in the dump.


 the load after first day, the firewood stacked completely on this pallet and the end of the day results!
Time to celebrate. Britt was home from work so we watched Avengers; age of ultron

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