Thursday, May 14, 2015

treasures abound

Well, today I am slated to head to the city with the Paetz family at 10 to pick up a leased work truck Sheldon bought along with one Craig got to. However Britt was off to school at 6:45 AM!! She was asked to be a part of breakfast of champions. Each teacher chooses a student to honor and one of hers chose her, way to go B!! on the recognition and for getting up and out that early.

Then the UFA accounting called at 8 not once but twice and required I was up and at the computer.. so I was up, earlier then planned but it gave me a good start to the day. The Paetz pack arrived just after 10, dropped off home started tomato seedlings, THANK YOU Craig and we were off. The day was overcast and grey and once in the city there was rain. Good thing as the trucks were quite muddy ;).

They headed off and I stopped first at Costco, time to load up the truck with supplies and food for next w/e. A few unsuccessful thrift store checks, supplies from Rona then a stop at Sunridge mall, sadly the jeweler who dipped my rings last time closed. I did return the tie I got for Britt's escort but found nothing to exchange for so left with a credit ;( I grabbed some California rolls and off to Home Sense just to see what was new. OH MY, I managed to spend a couple hours and loaded my cart with more than my birthday allowance covered ;)
 back seat loaded and below a pre detailing shot, anyone looking for a new truck?
Time to get a hot chai as the drizzle never let up and head home. I made a quick stop at the gym where Britt was working. She loved the truck and enjoyed my left over California rolls for her supper. Sadly not a drop of rain had hit town or the ranch, WTH!
Back home it was time to unpack all my treasures and set some vignettes up. I may not be able to keep them all but will try and find homes. Thanks GG Kuhn, Mom W & Mon K I have spent my birthday money well, and then some ;)

 here? or here? think it need a blue runner for pop of color between wood on wood
The dreary day had me watching The Breakfast Club and part way thru around 8 I cooked up some chili for supper. I may have added too much chili powder as it does have some heat. Britt was not enjoying it once home from work. :) She continues to practice her high heel walking and we added grippy pads to the bottoms for added stability.
such pretty flowers from my lovely daughters! thanks loveys!! XOXOXO

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