Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1

Oh my it is May 1st already, yikes 2 days till tea/trade show with a ditch cleaning in between! Now the night was a bit chaos with Lola have a long barking session. I research these dogs and find they are genetically imprinted to protect usually via barking to dissuade the intruder/threat. She has had most good nights but some are crazy and the common factor is when D is out, I think she feels she is protecting him so either I put him in the garage (his favorite) or last night tried eat plugs hoping she could work thru him spending nights outside (last night was his first this year). This did not work but the pennies in a can shook 3 times nearly scared her out of her wits, she eventually left to bark./patrol away from the house a bit then back to outside my window where praise had her laying calmly. Lets see if this conversation works tonight. I then took a sleeping pill and was out till morning, even going back to sleep after Britt was off till 9:30.

Slow groggy start needs coffee, and some bills missed to pay. The magazine rack got a bit of tweaking. I was staining another coat on the wood rulers in my housecoat when Britt came home for spare. She got busy cleaning my bathroom, vacuuming and folding laundry, made us pizza for lunch before heading back, what a girl ;) Shaina was out after an acupuncture appointment ready to ride. Sam stopped for her sign and to drop off my kids rocking chair score she picked up for me, THANKS SAMMY!

I quickly trimmed Hawk's front feet before Shaina and I went for a ride. She waited for eggs to arrive before heading back to the city to work tonight. The next hour was spent on the phone with Bell correcting the bill yet again, how painful!  Time to hammer on the freshly painted toe caps on coffee table, dark wax crevices on the chair and bring all in to stage.

Next on the project line, I got started on hand painting the white growth ruler. only 1 minor glitch when beer/clam spilt in the middle of my fresh painted #4! Hazard of drinking on the job my smarty pants sister quipped ;), next I really hand painted, free hand to be exact a Hot & Fresh Coffee 25c sign I hoped to have done to stage the coffee bar but... better late than never they say.
By now Britt was home from work finishing at 7. Jessica and her parents stopped to pick up the repaired and ready to roll antique desk, finally going to her apartment!
B got ready to head to the ball party that moved to a friends due to the nasty wind that blew in this afternoon ;( but before going she mixed up food and fed Bird and Julio while I took Pepper in to trim his front feet. Dr Ty asked who trimmed, I was like me, he said well awesome job, his angles look great and heels pulled back and low, well done but if you want shorten his toe a bit more to give faster/easier break over even more to help take any pressure off his foot. This I can do. After she headed out after 8, I painted the last 2 growth rulers, finishing all 3 painted so far!

Britt is going to stay at Kyra's (the DD) tonight and I will get her on way to ditch cleaning in the morning, Shaina will meet us too to get it done.
finally got a picture of the tack room sprayed wall all finished from Monday

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