Monday, May 18, 2015

happy Victoria day

Victoria Day Monday was sadly a windy day, finally we get the sell needed rain and the wind has to come dry it up :( Wind also makes one feel yuck and blah. The day was somewhat that to.

Britt drove us to town again in the truck dropping me to tan quick and running a parcel to the post office and stamps to the church for me so graciously.. in the truck of course. She says it makes her feel like she is driving a big rig, heck it is I said! After she picked me up and we were off to Gail's. She is kindly lending us some of her pretty sparkly Stella & Dot jewels for the big day, THANKS Gail!! We came home with a bag to try as well I picked up a t shirt from her Pink Pineapple online store.
Back home Britt finished cleaning the truck while I did some garage organizing and washed the seat covers for her and got supper made. Since it was crap, time to make some banana bread for comfort, and why not add chocolate chips too
Shaina arrived for the night but promptly ate some supper and napped on the couch. Britt was off to town to do test hair dos for grad. I had been waiting for a couple to come at 3 to pick up a water tote. It seems they forgot until supper so came out to grab so I stayed home to wait for them and water the garden and pull out some of Lola's coat that is blowing out. How crazy, never seen such a shedding and it is all the soft baby hair ;(
The couple had a visit before leaving, deeply engrossed with Diego. Shaina and I visited until Britt got back home then Shaina worked on getting her extensions out while Britt studied. My bunk buddy and I chatted till wee hours about school, I always enjoy our visits miss Shaina! XOXOXO

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