Thursday, April 16, 2015

rummage sale scores

Thursday was a fantastic day, weather wise and shopping wise. I was up early, had the top of the nightstand stained another coat, 2 cups of special coffee in my belly and out the drive by 8:30 am! Britt had sleep in day. I grabbed the mail which when it has 2 issues of the weekly paper in the box, it might have needed getting. I dont think I have ever lined up for rummage sale but after scoring a sweet wood table I did just that to get inside.

So many goodies as usual were to be found before I eventually was off to meet a few garage sale customers at Rona where I had to restock on paint goodies. Next Walmart had some restocking, to the bank and grab a booster juice to try and quell my headache. Yep it is back and seems beer is the culprit. I tried a different brand yesterday and awoke with a headache that is only getting worse. My next stop was to pick up my auction score.
OMG I thought it was full size like the one I just refinished but it was a tiny baby desk! The lady said "if not what you want no worries" "I love it was my reply, I refinish furniture." "Are you the Creative Moments lady? I LOVE your stuff and check your page daily" "Well you just made my day, thank you!" Isn't it sweet?
Now I was off to restock coffee "creamer" and grab a few non beer beverages for the hot days to come. The new dollar store was a great place to score sponge paint brushes before I cruised thru the take it or leave it where I got 2 new gallons of paint and a grandfather clock. Hmmmm this might be a challenge but lets see if I can get it working ;)
I made a visit to Home Hardware to get more paint goodies but some were still not in stock, another day. On my way to Amanda's to fetch a # for her I made a detour to the rummage sale one last time for the day and scored even more goodies. Check out my haul.
Back at the ranch I did my inventory and had a quick bite to eat. Time to get back to work, I put another top coat on the end table then walked the dogs in the glorious 18 sunshine. Lola was not to sure about the new stuffie I got her, she packed for half the walk before she ditched it. Hope she likes her new food dish better. I also did a round of poop pick up too, the grass is growing and leaves budding out!

Now that the end table was dry, I staged and posted and again had interest right away. Hopefully it too finds a new home quickly as I really am trying to lower my stock. And as luck has it she replied it is sold!

I had a bit of turkey with a side of Miss Vicky's for sup and was out waxing the coffee table base, touching up the grey on the nightstand and organizing/cleaning the garage. I love to put everything back, clean brushes, wipe, sweep and change to fresh paper between projects, it feeds my OCD ;)
bench material for the vanity.. ideas have changed, here are the canvas choices I was thinking for the bench.. the polka dot with a fun turquoise blue paint, the black print with white base or the striped with a pink body, so many choices.

Britt got home from work as I was putting the nightstand together but will stage in the morning and post tomorrow night all!

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