Thursday, April 30, 2015

buttermilk milk paint project day

Get up and get moving.. the milk paint company replied to my query of plugging and sputtering in the paint sprayer at 6 am, seems it needed straining ;(  Diego wanted out by 7..yet yesterday not till noon WTH! And today is Britt's slow start Thursday too, guess just my unlucky day! So coffee and get going. The milk paint really crackled on the coffee table so I was researching how to seal then glaze without disrupting much.

I sanded up the chair and magazine rack then put a coat of sealer on the chair. I also painted up the wooden shoe shine kit, distressed and waxed it up too. The trunk got more filler added seeing it had to dry from the veneer issue and not getting the buttermilk color after all.
Later in the day I waxed the magazine rack and put 2nd coat of oil on the chair. It seems buttermilk turns a tinge of green when oil or dark wax on it, dang it! Not sure I am loving it at all but to late to turn back now, will let all dry and decide then if repainting.

The growth ruler order needed a start and after cut and sanded the other day I stain 2 dark and 1 white. I forgot I had white stain so will do it up and show the clients (OK 2 are Mom's ;) if they like it and may do other 3 that or do cream as requested.

I put a coat of poly over the crackle milk paint with fingers crossed and while all dried I went outside. Time to remove Pepper's bandage, he seems a bit better, fingers crossed; fed Julio, let other 2 out to mow lawn, checked cat food, tried cinnamon in the one area of flower beds the cats keep digging in even after putting cayenne there and it was only minutes before one dug around in it!! then walked the dogs. Did I mention pick up my front mat from out on the lawn and other goodies? ;) It was warm 19 but windy day out there!
I buffed up the shoe shine kit and snapped a few pictures, tagged and added to inventory. Time for a quick trip to town to get the dark wax I needed, as well I grabbed an antique white for the trunk and some more seeds for the garden, along with mail on the way in. An Ice cap was refreshing as I restocked beverages, grabbed some supper, filled with petro and picked up more soup bones from a kind lady before heading home.

Big excitement for me, I was chosen as a Cece Caldwell paint ambassador. This means hey send me product and I use on projects and advertise for them. I loved Cece in the past, I have heard the formula has changed but I hope it is just as good, I have a one year contract, cant wait to get my goody box.

Once I ate, it was accounting as month end then I was back in the garage. These projects need time to cure a wee bit before hauling down and displaying so the rush is on. I dark waxed the magazine rack with the new dark wax and highly disappointed. I sanded it smooth and will see about my usual wax tomorrow. The coffee table got a good dark waxing and it looks good. The toe caps got first few coats of ORB spray paint.

Britt got home from work just before 10 and went to town washing pots and pans and cleaning 3 bathrooms in hopes of hosting a baseball campfire tomorrow evening, guess we will see. Time to paint a couple 2' boards with remainder of milk paint then scrub up sprayer and all the brushes before coming in and calling it a paint day!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

more projects complete and others underway

Awoke from very little sleep, Lola was on a barking mission and I am not sure at what but seems she protects Diego who was forced to stay out for the first over night. At 3 am though I gave up and called them both in the garage where they promptly went to sleep for the duration, Diego not getting up until just about NOON! At 3am it was plus 13. Once they were quiet however I could not go back to sleep and last clock check I remember was 4:45!

However once up and getting Britt off to school I got busy on the pile of projects to finish and do for the really big show. I buffed and put the green projects back together and staged for posting.

The trunk was sanded then it and a chunky coffee table, magazine rack, old show shine kit and cane chair got a scrub and rinse. The stinky coffee table got a coat of BIN smell killer, hopefully that will help as it still smells.

 always repairs
I was taking inventory, pricing, tagging and packing my wares when Britt got home with dog food and a new Bailey's for me (seems the previous got left in the Buick and is at the airport). She got ready and was off to the city by 5 to workout with Shaina just as a huge windstorm rolled in... GRRRRRR eventually about 20 drops of rain blew thru and eventually calmed later in the evening.

Back to the garage to start spray painting.. of course what is a day of painting without issues; it seems the trunk veneer lifted on the top from being washed .. so repairs on it were underway on it. The milk paint did not want to spray, rather sputtered and caused a mess requiring brushing anyway on all 3 pieces and ended up using the entire bag on just these 3! Brushing the tight magazine rack was a PITA so should have just done so from the start and may have not had half the paint on my hands. And of course my plastic even after being swept and dumped provided fleck of old paint flying everywhere, does not pay to be recycling frugal some days. By 8:30 I called it enough and took a break to update blog and get a bit of food and drink in me.
 new Homeright sprayer cleaning kit and seal, lets hope they work
 dam veneer, so dislike pieces in veneer
Then I was back out putting a 2nd coat on all 3 pieces, time for a hot bath I think. Britt was home around 11:30 having slow start Thursday tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

busy as a bee

Tuesday was busy as a bee day, by the time Britt was off to school I had supplies ready for sealing the front door. First coat was done by 9:30! I let out the 2 horses to mow lawn and finally got to water the last of the little trees I planted after Sheldon hooked up the tanks.
I sanded and repaired the stinky coffee table and left to dry while A sea of treasure box green was the paint color of choice for a wee shelf, tray, jewelry box and picture frame while another small jewel box got a light pink. I also put a second coat of poly on the front door.
I caught Pepper and Bird before a 3 pm vet appt but it turned out they were behind time so did not get here till after 3:30. Britt was home in time to so worked on a bit of homework and I put 2nd coat on the tray while we waited. Once they got here it was time to check them out. Bird got some relaxing medication but Pepper got a real work over. He has been sore in his front right for a year now but after assessing, Dr Ty blocked the foot and then did ex-rays. It seems there is a bit of bone build up around the navicular bone so we went with an injection as treatment. He got one in front and back of the coffin bone. We hope this gives him relief to his pain, time will tell.

What a fantastic day weather wise too, our thermometer registered 27 as the high! Britt had to come in to get ready for first night of ball. Grady picked her up as she was eating and off they went. I removed the frog tape off the door, it is all done, procrastination over. The paint projects all got a couple coats of wax or sealer. It was also time to remove loose veneer on the custom trunk , sand and fill and let dry over night. I was finishing up the first side when Britt got home from ball and off to do homework. Once the other side was done I took the feet caps off the coffee table calling it a night after this busy bee day at 11!

 one of the sides under repair

Monday, April 27, 2015

lesson day

Thanks to Coco I was up early enough to see this sunrise but did crawl back into bed for another hour or so.

Britt off to school soon after Sheldon was off to pick up seed. I organized latest stock additions, pounded some fertilizer spikes in the evergreen trees cleaned out horse trailer tack room and washed up more wraps and fixed the fence Sheldon and I set up yesterday for the horses to mow the lawn by the shop however a 20 foot piece was missing. I found it on north end of the house, once reassembled I let 2 out to eat.

Britt and her 2 boy buddies showed up for spare day which always consists of pool and eating. Sheldon returned with burgers for us all, yum! He and I cut the 8' boards down so I can get started on the 5 growth rulers ordered. He continued on with working on the tack room and I helped Shaina unload the old desk I recently did. When Kaylin kindly took it home it got dinged on the drive so it is back for a repair. I also transplanted her orchid for Kaylin and Shaina took it back home via her day at the golf course which she was off to after making a grilled cheese. Britt and the boys were leaving as Shaina and I moved the desk in.
I got busy repairing the ding which was not as bad as the photo Kaylin first sent. The next hours was spent scrubbing the latest coffee table pick up. I should always ask if from a smoke free home as this one STUNK. The water ran off brown, it was crazy. I ended up taking it outside in the sunshine to get fresh air while scrubbing and rinsing leaving it to dry in the sun.

Time for a cold beverage, taking one to the tack room worker, we grabbed chairs and sat in the glorious sunshine while 2 horses grazed around us and dogs lazed. Back to work for us both, this time I scrubbed up some small jewel boxes and a tray to get ready to paint for the tea on Sunday. Then on to cutting onions for the fresh oyster soup, this Britt and I ate early as riding lesson night. She loaded food for the ponies then we caught horses and were off by 5:30.

What a fabulous night for lessons, warm sunshine, no wind and only a few jumbo blood sucking mosquitoes. Tonight's lesson was all done in a halter and what a difference that makes to balance and leg use. Britt had a fantastic night on Bird, poor Hawk had a stumble that had us plow into the sand but being a trooper he was up and at it right after. Jac had margaritas after to celebrate our birthdays, Britt opted for the virgin variety after a weekend overload ;) THANKS Jac and friends for the wee celebration.

We got home just before 10, unloaded and showered up. Sheldon was all tucked into bed after finishing the tack wall and dropping pump in the garden water tanks then resting before his back to work day.
 the pepper grinder I forgot to share all finished
 and a couple others from Britt's big day
 below is after we got home from the station, looking good my lovelies!