Monday, March 30, 2015

Switch off to school

Monday morning again, and the last one of March oh my! It was a long night for me on dog patrol, Coco wanted out at 2:30 then Lola got wound up barking at 3. Diego joined it but the 2 times I went to send him out he refused ;( Eventually at 5:30 I put her inside so we could all sleep, wait I don't think Britt even heard and Sheldon once. Britt was off to school but returned for her usual Monday long spare/lunch. She and I went out for a conditioning ride. Sheldon hooked up the harrows behind the quad and started the pastures making them look so much better.

Lunch and time to catch and load Switch. Today Yahoo Switch A Roo is off to boarding "school" with Kendall for a month of riding. A new route was taken, then thru Okotoks to grab a tea before arriving @ Box M Ranch Horses & Training Services. Despite the 1 1/2 hour journey over with a stop at a busy Tim Horton's and all the new smells, sounds and sights at the new place, she quickly took to her teachers' requests and showed her charming quick mind to take in new learning. Thanks to my girls Shaina & Brittany for helping me get her ready for her next learning phase, excited to see her progress in a month.

Our drive home in the sunshine took us to Lone Start Tack to restock on salt, minerals and feed before arriving back at the ranch after 6. What a gorgeous day! We unloaded the supplies and I refilled the salt/minerals too. I snapped this picture of KD's cheeks that are a mystery why they are sunken, any suggestions?
Sadly I had another headache that never left  so while Sheldon continued on harrowing I tried to lay down but the no wind beautiful evening called to me. I had to go out and walk the dogs on such a perfect day. Sheldon finished up soon after and Britt arrived home from work as we all came in to eat and relax after the start of a new week.

Sheldon did run the horses out a bale after supper to hold them over for a week and help the grass to grow. We ended the day with a nice hot tub, cheers!

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