Saturday, March 28, 2015

green day

Saturday started out dreary and just like the digital forecaster predicted, rain started as a drizzle soon after awaking, early at 8, go figure on yet another could be sleep in day. It was not long before it was a bit heavier. Sheldon took the truck to unload the lumber sitting in the back and he and I then ran back to neighbors and got the rest of the cabinets they tore out. Britt was off to work for the day.

Once we unloaded them up in the mez, I hit the garage to paint. Today's projects started with a couple top coats on the coral jewel box, trying AS wax for the first time on the nightstand after I painted another coat on, dark waxing the inside frame then adding more of the antique white again, I am not sure I like it. I LOVE the outer frame AS color I painted it so put on my page for opinions.

 what do you think?
Sheldon worked on putting up the 2X6 walls in tack room. He came to garage to have me help him rip one just as I was getting my goodies from junk picker, Julie. The sun finally peeked out after the rain stopped as she arrived. Seeing the saw was out I cut a new back for the nightstand too.
 I should have just enough insulators now!
 insulated and board up!

I then got started on the other jewel box, this one in treasure box, a soft mint green
I also tried dark waxing the AS florence but it went greener so repainted
Britt was home soon after and after a bit of convincing too the dogs for a well needed walk. On her route she scouted quite a few gophers out and gave Ju some food. Since I had supper in the oven, she and Sheldon set off to pop a few while it finished. I snapped a couple pictures. It was not long after she came thru the door with dirt all over her face and moaning. It seems just after I took the photo, Sheldon asked her to distract the horses while he shot into their pasture. The sudden bullet noise caused Switch to panic racing forward smashing the unsuspecting Britt face first into the ground. As none of us witnessed it, this is the story she recalls. She also added Sheldon was not too concerned and kept shooting as he claimed she was up and talking, or was it just crying. Dad of the year goes to Sheldon!
 the before shots.. if I only watched for a bit longer ;)
As I was cooking a call came from an old friend of Sheldon's so after supper he headed to town to meet him for a couple beer while I continued on projects and Britt recuperated on the couch watching movies on her laptop. The nightstand got a coat of black glaze, the jewel box a 2nd coat and the blog all updated. Sheldon brought us all a Tims when he got home just before 10!


  1. Was it the Sloan paint that you didn't like? The colors above are very nice. The green in particular!
    No vapor barrier in tack room?

  2. no it was the cottage paint I was not overly thrilled on and there are 2 greens above, you like both?
    nope, not needed was the vote as inside wall and not heated
