Thursday, February 5, 2015

softly snowing Thursday

Thursday remains Britt's sleep in spare day, she finally got off to school by 9:30.  By then I had many coffees and back on the marketing of my wares. I also put the top coat on the end tables finally dry. Snow softly fell on and off all day but stayed around -8.

After lunch Sheldon trudged around the local fields with his new toy for a couple hours.. this time no luck! I worked on the old frame/shelf painted many colors but took a trot out to feed Julio and refill the mineral/salt tubs.
Time to bring in end tables and stage for a few pictures.

Back in from his venture and a fresh cup of java I made him, Sheldon helped me cut a large 4'X4' sheet down for a blackboard piece which I put first coat of blackboard paint on. I also had a fellow drop off my instantly ageless product, I will post before and after when I try it. check out the demo that enticed me!

My creamed chicken supper was a bit rushed requiring more time in the pan but the microwave helped us finish up. We headed down to Stouts after for a couple hours of catching up seeing the fellows had the same week off finally, Thanks for your hospitality guys! Britt put in more hours at work after school and was enjoying a hot bath when we got home.

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