Saturday, February 28, 2015

Final day ~ Home Sweet Home

Saturday.. the final day was early up, finish packing then hit breakfast and to the beach. However the weather had other plans and unleashed another rain cloud over us.. It eventually passed and we hit the pool for a bit when it dumped another bucket or two. This allowed final packing and bags sent to lobby. time for lunch and enjoy the pool which now was super hot sunshine.  

They had a great hospitality room to shower and get ready, it was here I left my new sunglasses (shown above) and elastic. I have a broken old clip that could not loose itself! we enjoyed a cold beer and grabbed a LIIT to go, jumping on the minivan to the airport (this was when noticed glasses missing;(  )

wouldn't you know it, after waiting for a couple hours, our flight showed delay, of course it did. The original 7:50 departure did not happen till nearly an hour later. Imitation Game was the movie on flight home. I also worked on finishing my 2nd book of the trip, a James Paterson novel Sheldon read on the trip as well. He too started a 2nd one but only just.  The pilot did make up some time on flight home, we landed at 12:34 and were out of immigration and luggage by 1 am! Shaina was kind enough to pick us up, ok we did pay her but she offered, thanks Dude! Home by 2... home sweet home, I LOVE my bed!! (although even washing it all up clean before leaving it felt like we were still in a sandy beach bed)
check out my small suitcase next to Captain Ron's ;)

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