Saturday, January 3, 2015

down comes Christmas & more purging

Jan 3 the cold snap begins. It is a good time to hunker down at home and purge drawers and closets. This is what I did then posted most for free. Sheldon even got his night stand and bathroom shelf sorted adding to things to post. It is a grand feeling to get organized for sure.

To continue this feeling I took down all remaining Christmas decorations enlisting Sheldon and Britt to help with a few things. Britt who slept till after 12 was forced to clean her room then vacuum it and the basement ( as a previous promise she had yet to fulfill). This was good timing as she wanted to head to town for a hockey game and wings with friends at 5.

Sheldon enjoyed his leisure day watching sports and perusing the internet on various  interests! He and I enjoyed crab for supper.. perfect! Great way to end the clean & purge day!

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