Wednesday, December 3, 2014

seafood feast

Sunshine and coffee make a great start to a day as does a warm shower! I sorted Britt's school photos which I had forgot to do for a bit. Hard to believe she is in her final year of public school, she did
Sheldon was off to town for a massage and errands while I walked the pack. He arrived home with lunch from Edo then promptly fell into a coma on the couch
this crazy ice on all north rails
 quick pic of antique vanity as a desk

 Pepper and Switch enjoying a romp in the sunshine

Grama and Papa arrive mid afternoon, we had a visit while waiting for Britt. Once she was home after school ti was off to the city, thru rush hour to the girls new house. A tour and visit there as we waited for Aaron to finish up work then off to Red Lobster. A most delicious seafood meal and great family supper was had, THANKS Grama & Papa. Stuffed, we all ventured home and soon were off to bed.

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