Thursday, December 11, 2014

favorite things 2014

I LOVE reading blogs that post their favorite things from the year.. I always forget many of mine through the year but here are a few

Miss Vicky's chips... mostly S&V and this new flavor.. I do love me a milky way now and then but always pick salty over the sweet
Pringles new tortillas flavored chips.. so yum, salsa and chips in one (the new rum was good too) We have many types to try after the big birthday party as many gifted him their favorite.
Pinterest.. I have collected pages, pictures, recipes, house plans etc in folders my whole life, this makes it all virtual and super easy and my favorite beauty tip from it involves another new favorite this year, essential oils. The tip is put 3-5 drops of lavender oil in your mascara for longer lashes. It works but you don't want to know why!

Essential Oils .. my current favs are from Saje. I may or may not have partial shares in the store with the items I have bought! So many good healthy remedies for life's maladies. Try peppermint halo for headaches and sore muscles, pain release is good for muscles too, the blends for the nebulizers are abundant. (my new nebulizer below runs for over 24 hours! it to is on favorite list)
Kaylin keeps us girls cutting edge with new products, THANKS Kazie! 2 of my fav's she had me try are Truth Serum (vit C) and YSL BB cream along with Aveeno dry shampoo that was a fav on Steven & Chris show that I got and the girls are always using.

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