Sunday, December 7, 2014

decorations go up

Saturday.. sunny and warm weather rolling in. Britt was up early and off to work for 9. I caught up the blog after dog duty. Sheldon enjoyed a sleep in till 10!!
I spent the day cleaning and setting up the Christmas tree and sorting thru boxes of festive goodies. Sheldon procrastinated light hanging but eventually got the two pillars and a tree lit up! The day was awesome just above zero!
We were off to town for supper at Paetz's making a couple quick stops for parcels on the way. It was a yummy supper with lots of laughs and snuggles. Thanks Paetz family!!
Some of Britt's exchange goodies

We headed home around 9:30 and it was RAINING.. their driveway was an ice rink. We ended up following Britt home going very slow. She said she hit black ice on the way home from Cluny which was scary! Time for some SOA episodes.

Sunday was spent decorating and teaching painting. Britt was off to work for 9 am. Kaylin had stayed in town last night due to freezing rain but came out around 10 bearing Starbuck Chai!! YUMMY THANKS Kaylin. She had 2 shadow boxes she wanted to paint in vintage white.
In between coats we visited and checked the storage trailer for her Precious Moments nativity set. Sheldon took the dogs for his first perimeter walk in the sunshine. Temps were around zero and a bit above all day and had been thru the night.
She finished up and was off to the city around 1:30. The believe sign auction winner stopped to pick up her sign as I spent afternoon sorting Christmas goodies. It seems I have WAYYYYY too much. Time to sort and share. I finished the tree, angel mantle and this year brought out my Christmas teddies that have been sleeping for 3 years at least. Sheldon watched football going thru outdoor light strands.
Britt had a clinic after work and did not get home till supper time. Supper then back to football for Sheldon, hot bath and The 100 for me and Britt worked on homework. We finished up the evening with a few SOA episodes, getting close to end of season 6.

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