Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas letter & photos ready to go

Wednesday the chinook winds prevail and water is pooling everywhere although it was overcast and dull looking. Low overnight was 4, here is 8 am in the pasture
I had egg lady here bright and early then a lady stopped to get riding boots for her daughter as I was finishing up the Xmas letter. I enjoy writing it just like the blog as it allows me to reflect on the year and where it went. Details I forget are found via the blog. A real win win. I always have a hard time paring down the photos as I love them but here are this years choices.
I took just two of the dogs for their walk and glad I left Coco at home. The walk nearly killed me, the road was sheer ice with a thin layer of water which added to the treachery of Sheldon's huge winter boots I was wearing. When we hit the snow areas it was so soft and a real workout but nothing like the ankle twisting muddy lumps found in the hay breakup field! Being a low rider Coco would have been like a mop drug thru a mud pit! The poor white puppy was nearly D's color by the end. All 3 of us were tuckered once we made it back but I did find energy to scoop lots more crap (note to self, wait till at least semi froze!) plus 7 was the high staying around 6 most of the day..
Last of the letter and photos finished up I got ready to send out to our friends and family. Please send us your year in review too. As you know, I love pictures!

A gal purchased 2 wood shelves but wanted matching so I dark waxed the light one to match. Another pickup was made for the vintage window via family friends on way to another friends 50th birthday.
Another big announcement is Britt is accepted to Old College for Animal Health Technician in fall on 2015. She got the email a couple weeks ago and wanted me to wait before saying until the actual letter arrived but it seems it got returned to sender in our great postal system. Seeing I had to make the deposit by Monday I think it can be announced, YAY Britt!!

As I was sending out the Christmas email Britt arrived home from school and her workout, she cooked supper with a wee bit of supervision and did a great job. She worked on an essay and I worked on picture sorting and storing backups on harddrive.

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