Sunday, November 23, 2014

w/e projects

Saturday the chinook continued but today was overcast and windy. Britt and I took the dogs on a perimeter walk again while Sheldon went over to Matt's for a coffee and sell some tickets.
 Britt makes a stop to introduce Lola to the ponies again, Switch continues to be very interested
Back at the ranch I put a 2nd coat on the dresser top and legs before neighbor Elaine arrived to pick up her s&p shakers she ordered.
After lunch I put the first coat of poly on the dresser, sprayed frame hooks, tidied my work space. Britt hung out in the basement all day in front of the TV and playing Sims! Sheldon spent the day configuring the barn layout and changes (pretty hard day) ;-)

A barbecued steak supper was enjoyed before movies night. We watched Blended and American Hustle hitting the hay at midnight.

Sunday I was up at 8 to a whining puppy. Out she went then breakfast for all while I put a 2nd coat of poly on the dresser. Vacuum quick and get dressed for a customer/old neighbor was stopping by to pick up a chair and have a visit checking out the new things on the ranch. Sheldon gave him a tour of the shop too. The weather continues to be mild for November hovering around zero hitting high of 2 today but the wind had bite.

We loaded Kaylin's birthday present from last year and her Christmas tree up and we were off to the city delivering to her house. I attempted to put her fancy new knobs on but some need to be cut. We cut time close dropping Sheldon at a bar to join his friends for the western finals football game then rushing to the theater. Sadly there was only front seats left and the next showing made Kaylin feel to close to her meeting at 6 so we did not see Mocking Jay in the end :(
We did spend an hour looking for boots Britt has been trying to buy for a couple weeks now but like the movie, no such luck. The two city dwellers were not pleased with us country folk searching so we dropped them back at home and ventured to my favorite store, Home Sense where Britt found part of her Christmas present and I scored another glass bowl and throw I do not need but rather love, and she scored the most unique laptop bag (another Christmas gift early) at the cool country interior store. We also hit winners and shoe warehouse too but no boots there ;(
the pretty blue stuff is what I spent Xmas $$ from GG Kuhn from last year, THANKS GG!!
By now it was 5:30 and sustenance needed so we grabbed a quick Vietnamese supper and stopped at Superstore in search of the elusive popcorn I got as a gift last year. Again no luck but we did score candy cane ice cream!!! Time to grab a hot tea and head to the ranch to let puppies out. Sheldon is staying overnight with the girls in the city.
While Britt did that and I unloaded, it was time to check dresser, a wee mark drove me crazy so I sanded and repainted that drawer and added another coat of poly to the top before coming in. Time to update blog, play a few brain gyming games and shop online a bit before calling it quits.

1 comment:

  1. The food looks delicious. Remembered when looking at your purchases to ask how Grandma's jewellry is going. Just making sure I get the box back and Grandpa's wing tie clip. Hugs
