Tuesday, September 9, 2014

SNOW!!! Sept 8th

Monday was a big production day. Coco was up at 5 wanting out and the rain was coming down, (and 12) it continued all day. I had to run out in it and unhook the truck from the trailer for Britt to be off to school, Mom and Dad had coffee and where off to town for appointments then off home as Shaina was heading to work. I got busy painting the 5 sets of pumpkins and waxed too.
Now it was plus 2!
Shaina's 2nd shift at the golf course was cancelled due to crap weather so she was home around 4. I next started a tall dresser and night stand around supper time trying another new color, navy blue.

After seeing so many posts about snow in southern AB around 5 pm it hit here :-( Britt worked after school, lucky to have the truck in this dang snow. 
Sauteed zucchini was our supper much to Shaina's chagrin. It was now time to kick in the furnace, dang it September 8th! Hay field below looks a bit different than yesterdays same direction photo
Once garage duties cleaned up and finished I watched 3 PVR shows while checking out Pinterest which has been a long while since I did, some new ideas as always were found.

Tuesday the snow remained covered everywhere. My poor trees were weighed down, one even bent right to the ground. I headed out after Britt was gone to school and shook them all. If I only had small kids again to do this fun for little ones chore! I also fed the horses a bale but none could figure out how to get around to barn paddock, oh well. Eventually the snow all melted and rain occasionally fell. .

Shaina had today off but spent most of it in bed with a migraine. She did eventually go into the gym before supper then worked on trip plans to Texas and posting more things for sale online! Britt worked again after school.

I worked on the tall blue dresser and nightstand putting 2 coats of top coat on and spraying knobs.

Sheldon arrived home early today just after lunch. He and I worked on setting up the new washer, another maytag set, sadly it too was a dud!! but we have another working dryer! He also cut my painted chalkboard board to fit a painted frame while I pulled more rusty staples in the rain to finish my pumpkins. Once assembled I now have all 8 sets ready. But after posting this picture I got 2 more orders :-)
The rest of Sheldon's day home he napped and played virtual poker, such a hard travel day! He was in bed by 8:30 and sleeping too. I staged the chalkboard and updated blog trying not to look outside but they say one more day and it will go back up and be sunny, fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Love the blue on the dresser and nightstand. Can hardly wait to show off my pumpkis! Hugs
