Tuesday, September 16, 2014

high of 28!!

Monday was a fabulous weather day reaching high of 28. (according to truck ) 25 at the house. Sheldon ran Diego to town just after 8 for his big surgery day. He ran errands and grabbed teas before returning home. Britt was off for another week of school and Shaina had a late start with Monday changed to just one job and starting at 11!
I created 4 more sets of pumpkins, whew. Sheldon installed the gate on new fence by shop then had fun "blasting" (compared to the skid steer) around the field moving off the 2nd cut bales. I cleaned out more dead plants in garden and dug some fresh potatoes and carrots. Yummy, can be fresh from the ground.

Sheldon and I ran to town around 3:30 to do errands; restocking beer and baileys, getting more leaves for pumpkins, picking up another washer (heavy duty large capacity) as back up, grabbing a FREE solid wood shelf, stopped to see as aussie saddle for Sheldon then pick up Diego after his big day at the vets. Whew what a busy run, back home to throw ribs on to simmer.
Britt made caramel almond brownies.. yes please!
By now the girls were home, they caught horses and rode along with Shaina's friend Yanni. They had a mini practice after while we watched in the sunshine from the deck and I snapped a few photos. Yanni joined us for a late rib supper with fresh garden veggies then watched movies till later. I was so tuckered, a warm bath and I was sleeping by 9 pm!

 look at Shaina's long flowy hair
 how to reach the ball outside the fence
 Switch loves to be part of practice

 Sheldon play poker in the sun while Mitzy watches him

 Switch in there like a dirty shirt
 Bird has 2 heads :-)

"Heh girls I found the ball, let me roll it to you!"

Tuesday Sheldon was off early to catch a plane. I forgot to draw for pumpkin winner so grabbed a coffee with my oh so delicious creamer and made the draw! Pulled more rusty staples to finish a few more sets, waxed till my arms seized. A gal from Calgary popped out to get her pumpkin set bright and early
I finally rustled up Shaina and eventually she came out to help me snap pictures of Switch after I had adjusted a foot trim and gussied her up. We then went for a great trail ride in the blazing sun checking out an old house across the fields. We are going back to snap some photos later in the week.

Back at the ranch we hosed and treated Hawk's scratches and Baby's sweet itch before letting them go. Shaina showered and got ready for work for 5. I headed off to Langdon to pick up a free door for my barn and to buy some legs for furniture. On the way home I stopped a new build I have watched going up and asked where they got their spruce trees. Turns out just down the road from us.. best talk to them for sure. Britt worked after school and will all the rest of the week, she cant wait for that bank account to move up!
Yes it is the new truck and I did get a wee bit of dirt in the back but lucky it sweeps out easy and below is our UFA lumber yard lol
After a quick bite to eat I ran to Stouts and dug a few cuttings of peonies, came home and planted them along with 2 little raspberries plants that came along & planted 3 lilac trees mom had brought too. THANKS girls. I had emptied one 1250 gallon tank and moved on to the other in preparation for colder weather watering in the new plants. The day was another amazing 26 degree  day, so lovely!! The A/C has ran last two days and even into the night.. who says we put it in to late?

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