Sunday, July 20, 2014

another polox tournament

Britt and I were up early Saturday morning, loaded Bird and KD and on the road to another polox tournament. This time it is only Britt playing with first game at 10. There was a slight ump finding delay but soon it was underway. The one girls pony was sore and after losing the first game we put her on trusty KD and they handily won the 2nd game. A great burger, beer and live band was the evening entertainment.

The next morning they played for the finals at 11 and came out victorious placing top team in the tournament, YEAH!!! Following awards we quickly loaded as rain started, drove thru mostly sun till arriving about 1 mile from home where it started back up. We quickly let the horses out and by the time we got to the house it was starting to come down. Shaina said it had rained over night and after the 1 hour rain the sun was back out. I checked and we had ONE INCH of rain!! double YEAH!!!

Time for a shower and relaxing evening catching a couple episodes of Orange/black while cooking supper  too. Shaina was home form work before 11 and we all hit the sheets after another eventful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats B on winning another tournament. I sure had fun on my first lesson! See you soon.
