Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 19th - Easter weekend

Since the last post a few things have happened, Britt has attended another concert, Florida Georgia Line this time and saw the most scary movie Oculus. She now has 10 days off for Easter break. Shaina has continued to test drive her new car getting lost in Calgary for the first time she claims due to incorrect GPS instructions :-)

I have been very busy in the shop finishing the stereo cabinet turned bar and staging it


I stripped, sanded and stained a vintage end table for a customer
painted up a new chair for our entry way
gave a quick makeover to a vintage frame and added scrap book paper to complete the dry erase memo board
updated a bright silver cook book holder to a soft oil rubbed bronze finish

 painted a round pine table for a client
painted a frame the coral I used on one of the colorful chairs
moved all my current sale items down stairs to make room for some well needed space
ok I am actually bringing in a new piece ;-)

I also did some banana baling after cleaning the deep freeze and love the idea of using those shower caps from hotels you never use as the quick covers, keeps fresh and easier than saran wrap
Kaylin and Aaron came out last night for Good Friday Easter supper. I had marinated steak but as the day wore on and light snow fell, a full fledged storm blew in around supper time changing my plans to broiled steak! I had a pot of homemade turkey soup on which was nice on a cold miserable day to start the meal. The girls enjoyed their traditional chocolate Easter egg hunt but Kaylin managed to only find half what the other two did as she took time to start eating her finds.
 this was the crappy storm rolling in

Grama & Papa's traditional socks and 1 lb bunnies, THANKS and Easter bunny left some goodies for the girls

 the egg hunt.. see one they missed?? also see the lovely weather in the background too ;-(

 this was what I awoke to..
 Shaina's gold acupressure seeds I removed today
 the sun melted all the snow so time for breakfast
 and then a nap in the sunshine
 the sun did not stay all day sadly but after work today Shaina went riding with Britt
not long after they put the horses away it seems 4 were out by the house, they pushed on a rail to get at a bale and this was the end result! dang trouble makers! baler twine to the rescue till the hired man gets home!
Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, we will not be having turkey but will be thinking of all who are, God Bless you all. If you did not see this on my face book page, check out this lovely song by a Canadian who rewrote the wordes for Hallelujah for Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to be able to catch up horse and business updates!
