Monday, February 10, 2014

1021 - a week holed up, time for town and a tea

Day 1021 awoke to -25 yet again. This is getting to hard to handle. Worse news today the sail trip cant go for March as too short notice to book :-( Shaina arrived home late from work and kept me company claiming sleep over! She then awoke earlier due to so much sunshine in the room but enjoyed fresh coffee in bed perusing the internet.

An online sale was made and more interest after posting a few things I have in stock, so I got the memo board ready for pickup as well as waxing the peacock frame and Shaina's pink jewel frame. Shaina then came to town with me a t noon to pick up some furniture then I dropped her at the gym to work out while I ran errands. First stop a hot chai from Tims, then I picked up frames I had won, dropped a few sold things at Amanda's having a quick visit with her and Asher then grabbed some chalk a lady had for me before getting Shaina and off to the ranch.
 this vintage dresser and mirror not shown and this wood stand from a lady cleaning out her parents home
 and a few frames, a couple will be just for the glass and the others chalk boards?
Once back home I started painting Gail's jewel box the pretty peacock color then wet distressed. Weather discrepancy as car says -25 and home thermometer says -17, odd but still darn cold. Shaina put a blanket on Ju hoping to help him out in this brutal stretch. Shaina got ready for work and was off just before 5, Britt came home from school changed and was off to work for 5:30-7:30 (seems like waste of time to me but not my job)
Time to put a wee bit more wax on the coffee table and staple the chicken wire to Shaina's frame. ANOTHER curve, check the length of staples in the thinner frames!!! WTH what the comment after I had the wire neatly tacked on and turned over. After removing most and replacing them into the thicker side part I had to fill the holes and rebuild a chunk that broke out , grrrr. Thanks goodness though it was pro bono work and not a paying customer!
Back inside for a bit to eat, tonight supper is boursin and crackers! Time to dark and clear wax Gail's jewel box, LOVE the color combo on black.
Sharon stopped to pickup the surfboard blue memo board for her sister in law who claimed it this am, thanks ladies.
Britt was home from work before 8 and feeling sorry for Julio, who once any horse dons a blanket they become pariah, took him out pellets in the dark. Shaina was home around 10:30 and made her and I spaghetti for supper at 11 pm. Then she jumped in my bed for another "sleepover" and read. (we both are reading the final book Allegiant in the series)

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