Wednesday, December 25, 2013

974 - Merry Christmas

Day 974 is Christmas! We all enjoyed a nice sleep in before Britt began the task of waking all. In front of a blazing fire with baileys and coffee we all opened presents. Shaina made egg muffins for all, thanks dude!
 gift excitement

 breakfast and a snack

 Grandma Walker's angel candles
It then was time to get ready and put the turkey in. Lucky for me having 3 daughters resulted in Britt giving me a pedicure, Shaina curling up my hair and Kaylin applying pretty Christmas eye makeup, thanks girls. Feel pretty lucky. The day was another great weather day hitting plus 4.

Sadly Kaylin and Aaron were off to the next family just after 230 but we were very glad to have them for the time we did xoxoxo. The games continued for the four of us until again we stopped to feast. More games then a relax in front of Monsters University in the theater room. Shaina and Britt left around 10 to go stay in the city with Kaylin to get in some boxing bay shopping in the morning.
Merry Christmas dear family and friends!! XOXOXO

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