Thursday, December 19, 2013

968 - last work day of the year

Day 968 was even colder. Britt took the truck to school as Sheldon is going to put her new part in her car to get the heater working and lord knows she needs it. My car said -22 when I left and hit -29 as I pulled into town. I grabbed gas and tea for the girls at work to celebrate our last work day of the year!

For lunch, a fellow with a service company took us girls out to the Road House which was lovely. I then grabbed groceries and met Travis at the house at 2. He was taking all our gifts home to Oyen for all. Sheldon had put the part in and after lunch ran to town grabbing more booze, picking up Shaina at the tire store and dropping her at the gym before getting his massage :-)

I worked on waxing my large mirror as Sheldon pulled in, followed by Shaina then Britt. Gee we had a few vehicles going to and from town today and another trip after supper got to Paetz's to celebrate the holiday season. Sheldon enjoyed a beer after his relaxing massage then went out and pushed some snow around the yard and road.

A delicious supper for the 4 of us at the dining table which is rare lately was enjoyed before the girls prepped, Sheldon napped and I waxed the coat rack a 2nd time. We loaded up and headed back to town to enjoy a fun social and game night with Craig and Amanda and the kids. Britt drove us home at midnight. Shaina stayed over night at Kate's after she met all her friends home from school at the Station.
 captain america
 just a few hours spent throwing a ball for him to deflect with his shield :-)

 pretty girls

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