Tuesday, December 3, 2013

952 - can you say snow drifts

Day 952 I slept till just before 9 and saw the storm had finally passed but it is COLD at -16 and wind chill of -30+ creating another snow day. I was worried I could not find all horses but eventually I found all. All but Julio came to try and get water but it seems the waterer is buried and after many futile attempts they raced back to the trees.
seems there is no room for the ponies in this shelter.. it is fully packed and note the drifts behind
this is where the horses trailer was, thankfully it was put in the shop before it hit or it would be buried
 here are the first group and when the old man came I knew I had to get out there
When they came back again I threw on my coveralls and boots and headed out with a bucket and shovel. While some drank from the bucket I uncovered the water hole and the rest took turns coming for long awaited water. The snow was hard packed as I stood level to the top of the waterer and the horses stood belly deep drinking. Britt came out to assist and eventually Shaina to snap some photos. The accumulation of snow in areas was amazing.
 this is the waterer and top of the fence
 so get an idea of how deep for horses to try and get up to it but once I broke it open they sure did
 checking out the shelter.. plum full of snow
 Big D guarding the ladies
even the deer were happy to get out and eat
Back in the house I putzed around putting the angels on the mantle while waiting for Sheldon to call. Shaina went back to bed and Britt TV. He text he landed at 11:30 but nothing till about 1:30. Seems the city has many roads closed and detours abound. He also needed air for the truck tire but once found that he was on his way. He made it to the ranch at 2:30 seeing the long line of vehicles backed up on hwy# 1 in town for the closure still heading east. We celebrated his long trip with a beer then he ran some tools down to Stouts and had a quick visit there too. Right around 3 the internet finally came back up!

The girls played board game and watched movies while Sheldon napped after a week of nights and I finished my GST. I cooked a yummy cream chicken supper which we all enjoyed. Good to have the Prince home to cook healthy meals for! After supper Britt went out to feed the cats and return them to the shop while Sheldon took the horses a bale and plowed snow. I uploaded photos and blogged and put Shaina's trip photos on our portable harddrive as backup for her.
we have some snow!

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