Saturday, November 30, 2013

949 - trampoline goes to new home and I build IKEA

Day 949 I awoke to sunshine at 8:45 but it was short lived. The rest of the day was overcast but nice enough hovering around zero. I worked on the yellow window frame scrubbing it up with TSP, distressing and darkening it with stain 2 coats before letting it dry overnight.

I snapped a few staging photos of the night table and posted online

It was a nice day, I even took the tree box and Halloween pumpkin to storage trailer in my hoody!

Around 3 the fellow who came to buy the trampoline arrived minutes before the fellows picking up furniture. Diego was beside himself trying to meet and greet everyone. It took the dad about 2 hours to dissasemble the tramp and be on his way.
Diego and the horses need to supervise
Britt took the dogs for a walk and cut me some fresh evergreen for the crate I finished waxing and staged

Shaina was off to the city for a party and sleepover at Shannon's at 5 and Britt picked up a friend and headed to the mall to shop and take in Frozen. The early show was sold out so they had to shop, waste time and go to the 10:30 one but loved it.

I started at 6 building the 2 IKEA shelving units I bought and gutting the office. I love building things and organizing so for me the time flew by. I watched my PVR series Reign while building and around 10:30 after building the last one and putting in the office, I jumped in bed and finished a couple more. Britt got home after 1 am as I was playing a couple candy crush games to finish my relaxation time! 
 getting busy
 the before disaster..
 everything was moved out
 the shelf height tested for photo albums
and the 2nd one built brought in and both leveled.. fantastic night of building and organizing

I was so busy tonight I forgot I had an auction ending, not even giving notice but it ended ok and is off to Ft Mac too.

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