Wednesday, November 27, 2013

946 - project paint day

Day 946, I began my day with a coffee and painting 2nd coat of purple on the night table and 2nd red on the jar. Shaina grabbed a quick cup as she headed to town for doctor appointment at 9 am close behind Britt to school. Shaina grabbed a few groceries and worked out at the gym before getting home before lunch. She made some soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.. perfect as I was starving. I also started painting the magazine rack the soft butter yellow APC paint, heavens light.
Kaylin sent a message asking if Lexi could come play, who can turn down this face?
They arrived around 2 for a little visit before Kaylin went to town at 4 to meet Gail for supper. She helped me load the yellow desk into the storage trailer before she left. What a gorgeous day even at plus 1, sunshine makes it all good.! I scrubbed up another set of salt and pepper shakers and painted them in 2 coats of... fireworks red
and put another coat on the yellow magazine rack
Shaina had a friend out for a visit, lots of laughing was heard from the basement. Britt tried taking all 3 dogs for a walk when home from school but it was short due to Lexi not being smart off leash near any roads :-). Lexi however gets her fair share of exercise in when she visits the ranch. She even took on Diego for one of his big bones but was unsuccessful :-(
Britt painted numbers on another ruler for me as I put first coat of beach glass on the smaller darker jewelry box and we watched Ellen. Shaina was off to the city to take in Bad Grandpa movie with a friend.
Lexi chillin with Coco-nut
Kaylin and Gail stopped out to pickup Gail's goodies and Lexi and had a quick visit before heading back to town where Kaylin was getting Aaron and they were heading home.I glazed the night stand and the salt and peppers before heading inside to work on the blog.

However I got sidetracked after posting a few pictures of Amanda's latest crochet projects on my page. The response was crazy so I spent a few hours and helped her set up a facebook page to share and sell her wares.
aren't these so cute!!!

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