Thursday, November 7, 2013

926 - truck troubles.. again

Day 926, work for me, school for Britt, Sheldon has an appointment in Calgary and Shaina sleeping in is the usual day start.

Sheldon however had truck issues on his way to the city so after stopping to try and get a Calgary garage to work on it with no luck he cancelled his appointment and returned to Strathmore. There he grabbed another alternator, this time from the Chev dealer. Once back at the ranch, he rearranged my furniture to get the truck in and install it. After a test drive to town to return the last one it seemed to work again.
another row of wood was installed to stop commando crawler from escaping his area

Shaina headed to the city in the afternoon to visit Shannon and go out for supper. Britt stayed in after school to try on a dress for winter formal and go for wings with friends. She arrived home after supper along with Amber to hang out and visit.
I grabbed another pine coffee table but took the rest of the day off once home from work. Sheldon and I enjoyed a beer with a blazing fire in the background before I cooked up a quick supper for us. He and I watched The Internship which was enjoyable with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn.
here are some dirt prep photos from Wednesday that were just submitted

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