Thursday, October 24, 2013

912 - fabulous thift score day

Day 912 was another long night. Just before midnight the king of cracking the gate lock had the entire herd thundering out of captivity at just before midnight. Knowing the gate to the highway was closed we let them stay out. Sheldon of course could not sleep by then so tossed and turned and his phone gave alerts at 6 am.. grr not the way to start the day but the sun was shining and today was rummage sale.

I snuck away from work to check for treasures and had a wee bit of luck.
all this for just over $40, Thank you United Church volunteers for your hard work and Strathmore community for your great donations
 mirror, lazy susans, my fav white dishes and a pretty vase for Kaylin
 medalta pottery, paint, stain, nut crackers, ice tongs, frames and mirrors, stools and magazine rack
On the way back to work I stopped and bought the gals a piping cup of hot pumpkin latte tea, YUMMY. At lunch we walked, it was sunny but a bit windy but by after work it was fantastic. A beautiful 19 degree day!! I stopped to find a few more treasures at the church sale before heading home.

Sheldon had appointments in the city this morning, one of them with his knee surgeon, it has been 5 years! He had loaded 5 bales and went to deliver as Britt and I got home.

Shaina worked, I am sure many were out golfing on a day like this. Britt had me go out and do a photo shoot of her and her trusty steed pepper. I decided to pick the last of my harvest and good thing, the naughty ponies had ate off all the carrot tops!
this horse has the patience of Job, he will put up with anything she does and never move but he is the mastermind of all escape pen plans!
the top soil view, ignore all horse tracks, still has an Indian village feel ;-)
Britt worked with Bird for a bit in the lovely evening while I scrubbed veggies. But as we were about to eat I saw the horses trot out in the field and this was after I did up the fence.. seems Houdini Pepper needs a new solid gate. Britt got the quad and chased them for a bit while Diego and I tried to get close then I tried but one person and 9 horses does not work well in the middle of 70 acres so I gave up.
I came back and waxed the sign so ready to be picked up tomorrow
Sheldon grabbed black outlets in the city.. better than white?? or try paint grey?

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