Thursday, October 17, 2013

905 - wind wind go away

Day 905 another day of blustery cool wind but with sunshine as only positive point. I finished season 6 of Dexter last night only to be WTH at the end?? But a quick google search provided details that there are 2 more seasons to this series.. looks like I am on a mission.

Shaina's work shift was cancelled again but she managed to fit in doctor appointment and short dog walk :-)
Ralph owner sent updated picture.. how cute is he??

Britt took bottles in after school, raking a good haul from the always growing collection... of pop cans :-)
this is the sample kit I ordered from the USA for a new non toxic company owned by Jessica Alba called The Honest Company I have not tried them yet..

I worked thru lunch since the girls at work ran errands but that was ok, too breezy to go out. After work I stopped to pick up a wood cutting board donation and 2 sample cans of paint from a fellow face booker. Thanks Teresa!
I put a coat of wax on the coffee table and another on the family sign for Stacey. Want to be sure it weathers the outdoors. Shaina went to town for the evening for wing night but also to apply for a job, fingers crossed! Back at the ranch, Britt and I watched our TV shows, tonight I started The Walking Dead and ended up watching 3 episodes until late :-0)

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