Saturday, September 28, 2013

885 - last polox day

Day 885 I awoke at 7:45 and that was it, no more sleep for me. Coffee and blog update, then getting ready to go to city for last polocrosse play. Our old neighbor Richard stopped just after 9 as he was high bidder on my end table auction. We had coffee and a good visit before he took off just before 10:30 and I finally got Britt out of bed.

We loaded up horses (Pepper, Bird and Scooter), drinks and pot luck food and headed out just after 11 stopping in Langdon for fuel. We then had bad luck of getting caught at the train crossing so were a bit late for noon play but soon we were all playing on a nice September day. In between chukkas I trimmed all 3 horses feet.

thanks to Erin B for snapping the above photos of our play!!
snack time
Play ended about 3:30 and was followed by a pot luck and social hour which is always fun. Britt loaded the horses and we pulled out around 5 heading east to the ranch. Shaina arrived home from work around 6:30 and amazingly she stayed home for the evening. She too watched Breaking Bad for the evening like Sheldon and I but is a few seasons ahead. The day ended up sunny near the end of play but the wind picked up and howled all night long!

Britt volunteered to be a DD for friends this evening; for the fee of Starbucks which just opened in Strathmore Thursday, so she headed out around 10:30 getting back home by 2:30.

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