Wednesday, September 25, 2013

882 - Kaylin's hutch continues

Day 882 Britt was off to school,  I had a coffee, checked for new purchases or sales and headed out to the garage around 9:30 taking Dexter with me. The 2nd coat of white went on the hutch. Then there was paint scraping around edges of glass.

Shaina had a lazy day off and headed to the city at 1 with Gail and will stay over with her to go to another appointment in the morning.

I took a late lunch break at 2:30, enjoying a toasted bacon and tomato topped off with a  cold beer and juice. Then it was back out to take apart a chair, sand it up, repair the seat wood and wash up the foam.
Britt chilled after school and for the night.. in her TV room. She made a bologna sandwich for supper but since I ate late I was full. I love my iPad as I got busy cleaning bathrooms and dusting while watching Dexter. What a fantastic way to get boring chores done. Laundry and sorting too all with the help of a portable TV. That was my whole evening but I got a lot done.
look.. the power of bleach made them all shiny clean

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