Thursday, September 19, 2013

876 - Sheldon heads back north

Day 876 was another early one. Sheldon was up and had Shaina ready to roll around 4:15 am. He also had me awake too inadvertently even though trying to be quiet but eventually I fell back asleep by 6 maybe? Shaina took her route home via Strathmore and slept for a bit at Gails since she works at 9 am. Soon it was time to get up and get ready for work. Britt headed off to school too.

My work day was ok not getting busy until just before home time but at noon I did pickup another little dresser. I also ordered Britt iPhone 5S available tomorrow and revamped her plan. After work I picked up a couple cute gravy boats before grabbing mail and heading to the ranch.
After getting home after 4 I unloaded the dresser I bought and such then came in to a very excited Britt. She happily washed pots and pans while deciding what finger should be her new unlock finger and such. I found it a bit chilly so turned on the furnace.. darn it! We enjoyed home made salsa from a friend and hummus chips, perhaps being our supper while watching Ellen!
Time to relax for the night after a very long day watching PVR, reading magazines and perusing Pinterest. 

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