Thursday, September 5, 2013

862 - another 31 degrees and still no rain as forecasted ;-(

Day 862, after a sleepless night even after getting the standing fan Sheldon and Shaina were off to the airport after 4. She was back just before 6 and crawled in with me :-) Work was slow so did not go in till noon working thru lunch in order to leave for massage after work. Shaina enjoyed a sleep in going in to work later in the afternoon.

In the morning I was up at 8 as Britt headed off to school. I got to work putting 2nd coat on dresser, yet another coat of poly on the purple end table and another coat on the blue kids table. I also distressed the dresser much to my perfectionist angel on my shoulder. I think it will look good with the style and condition of the dresser.
what do you think?

 Mitzy with a semi dead present at the front door, don't play with your food Mitz!
snapped while driving out, this is the hay trash Sheldon had piled up, 3 full round bales, pallets, tarps etc for a big winter burn.
I left before noon to make a couple quick stops grabbing more online purchases, stain and ride on car (or my small visitors) and canisters arrived at my work. I delivered the plant stand from my giveaway to my massage therapist who was the lucky winner. She was thrilled and loved it.
below is my treasures and the table I was sanding yesterday is the heat, I only did the right side but plan to do this in a white washed finish for a kitchen island
Back at the ranch I unloaded all my treasures and some plants from my office. They are the air cleaner type so thought they would do better here with the new house emissions that may reside. Britt was home soon after and we lounged in the shade of the blinds under the fan. Today was another hot one. I took the grey base farm table apart as the buyer is coming for it at 7 tonight.
Since cheezies are all gone, tonight supper is fruit veggies, chips and salsa and chicken noodle soup if still hungry!
I "wo"man handled the round table inside myself and staged some sale photos.
The lady arrived and we loaded the disassembled table up and she was on her way, She has found wooden chairs she hopes I can paint for her in the future. After she left I went back to my "shop" to put first coat of wax on the Tiffany dresser then in around 9 to update blog and get in bed to read.

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