Saturday, August 17, 2013

843 - Calgary polocrosse tournamant

Day 843 we were all up having coffee and cereal before loading horses and beverages up to head to the city for our club tournament. All 4 of us are riding today. Grama and Papa followed us in and the Paetz family arrived just as were were getting tacked up. Thanks for coming cheering group!!

The day was a smoker at 30 degrees and play went well. Sheldon and I teamed up with Krystalle to play C division. Brit was with Connie and Les in B and Shaina played with Lesley and Evan in A. Both girls and their teams won first place in their divisions and Sheldon and I came in 2nd in ours.
young rider in training
 pickup by Shaina
Asher in training

 C team

 Britt digs in

 top horse and rider for B grade

 Birdy photo bombed by Pepper
 A grade winners

 B grade winners
 pretty prizes
 4 tired ponies
C grade second place winners.. first tournament!!

The play was followed by hosing and feeding horses then a supper for all in the shade. We loaded up horses and headed for home at 6. Cleaned out the truck and unloaded horses, had a refreshing shower then we all vegged on the deck for a bit of course with trees being watered. Grama and Papa joined us around 8. Shaina headed to town to hang with friends while Papa and Sheldon watched a football game, Grama had a bath, Britt went on computer and I finished my book.

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