Monday, August 12, 2013

838 - off to the mountains for annual mother daughter ride

Day 838, Shaina was up and off to work for 9. I was up getting stuff together for Mom's arrival to load up and head to the mountains with the horses. We have an annual mother daughter ride, sometimes with more than one daughter :-) This time it is Just baby Britt coming with Mom and I as poor Shaina and Kaylin have to work and Amanda has a few babies. BUT eventually we hope that Amanda and Kaylin can join us even for a day ride!! And in a few years I will be hauling miss Ada along too, we may have to make an exception for master Asher so he can come along and ride HIS white horse too! :-)
 blooming flower pots
 pretty poppy
 lettuce gone to flower

I was out watering the garden when Mom arrived at 10:30. We loaded hay, firewood, chairs, our goodies and had lunch. Britt caught Pepper but it seemed the hard to catch fellow was being difficult so I went out and tried my hand. Eventually Mom came out with her stick and bag and we managed to tire him out. Horses finally loaded we were on the road just after 12.

We arrived, unloaded, tacked up and I parked us at camp before we ventured out on our ride at 2:30. It was interesting to see how the flood had changed trails. There also was a band of wild horses at the gate with a cranky looking stud. That and bear claw marks had Mom constantly on the lookout for danger. We rode up North Fork to one of our favorite look out points trudging thru tons of heavy mud.
 Mom and I mountain top
 my 4x4 got dirty on the way up
 bareback B
 big Hawk and I like the side bang
 enjoying some time with B :-)
 Mom really struggled with my phone, finger and all
 her with Jessie
 B getting in a few texts.. to Shaina she claims (this view only iphones work!)
 B breaks trail
 Mom brings up the rear
 and here is some of the mud that went on for miles
 dirty boy.. just like a white car, always dirty
We arrived back at came around 5:30, fed the ponies and began to cook up supper. Britt and I started a fire and heated up corn on the cob, new potatos and shake and bake chicken with fresh veggies and dip on the side. Not bad camping food.

We relaxed around the fire until the rain sent us inside at 9. We played crib by lantern until just after 10 then hit the sheets.

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