Monday, July 29, 2013

824 - back to my projects

Day 824 was a sleep in day for me.. 9:30!! yes Now the girls was another story I tried a few times but eventually I had to get Britt to get her darn cat out of the tramp. They think it is their playground climbing the new thing like a circle of trees but at least Mr Jenkins figured it out after being rescued once how to get out on his own. Shaina managed to get up soon after and this was all around noon!

Shaina went out to work on the skinny pen for a bit taking a late lunch break and getting back to it later in the afternoon. She also rode her horse before going to work at 5. Britt was not so productive and was forced to vacuum the hardwood, unload the dishwasher and she still managed to continually retreat to the basement. Eventually she came out to ride her horse around 3:30.
I worked on my projects, stripping and sanding a pine coffee table,
 below my new sander..old one cratered!! (note the shiny rim in background)
painting a stool for Britt's vanity in her favorite color

and putting a coat on the royal end table I started awhile back.
Mid pen cleaning a few rain drops came down but hardly nothing so I watered my garden. Note to self, plant earlier when I see the neighbors Facebook picture of her garden picks for supper!

During the day I had reconfigured the temp pen and had the 2 older skinnies out while Shaina and Britt rode. Once they were done they put the other two in there and as I was picking lettuce for supper chaos ensued. Skittish Bird was in the corner and I saw her checking out the white tape but she moved away. I headed into the house and heard a zip line noise and thundering hooves. As I raced around the deck corner I saw her with the wire chest height booking it towards the house then veered back to the hay field. The whole time the spool of wire is flying thru the posts around the horse trailer eventually smashing into the hitching posts and shattering the wooden roll it was wrapped on. The non hot wire eventually snapped after whipping across the apple trees and leaving leaves everywhere. There is never a dull moment with horses. I had just asked Britt to go put them back as they were getting into the old crusty bale.. hmmm intuition speaks but no one listens. I eventually got her out of the basement and off to check Bird who had raced back in to the pen where the other 3 bolted.

This was 5:30 and a fellow had just stopped to pick up our free patio table. After getting him on his way Britt was getting supplies to wash and treat Birds new cuts. Will this horse ever have a injury free summer?
As she was finishing up and I was making her and I supper another brief rain cloud unloaded a small sprinkle then got sunny. The grass and hay sure could use a good rain, I'd rather that than these crappy mini rains.

After supper I put wax on the stool. I have many projects to get going on. Today was a good day of hope as one lady coming to get her growth chart tomorrow and 2 other ladies coming Wednesday to look at furniture. Fingers crossed I make some more sales so I can fill the kitchen back up :-)

Shaina got home from work just after 9, a short shift almost not worth working I say,or wait.. perfect shift.. hahaha And to further astound me she actually went and caught Baby and rode her! She did then head to town at 10:30 to have a sleepover with Rachel since she works in the morning but she did get stuff done today, good job Shaina!

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