Monday, July 22, 2013

817 - garage clean up starts/golf/dog park

Day 817 found Sheldon up at 6:30 and out the door to meet Craig, they are off to Innisfail to golf today. There was a storm that blew in thru the night starting at 3:30 with no rain until 4:30 but Coco was her usual alarmed scared self so kept me up petting her while trying to doze during the storm. Sheldon found the patio door wide open, thought perhaps Diego and the cats may have moved in over night but it was only 59 flies!
I got Shaina up for work at 8:45 but she was a bit late for her 9 am shift. I enjoyed a vanilla latte while reading for a bit. Sheldon is threatening my work shop with a park spot for his new truck so I spent the morning cleaning and organizing the garage. I gave it a good start but need him to help move some big things around to get better set up so we both can be in there.

Britt slept till noon!! I want her life.. she said she was up till 3 am.. what?? dang netflix! :-) A lady stopped just after lunch and bought my blue geometric table. Her kids also wanted to see the horses so had a wee visit. I had fed them more hay as even after the storm the ground was dry.
Britt made cookies (bringing new meaning to hand mixer!!)  as I did laundry and worked on tidied laundry room. Sadly I found my lucky bamboo ran out of water in there and are no longer lucky ;(. Shaina finished up her shift arriving home just before 3. The girls went out to ride and returned with a neighbors dog :-) The owner came about 45 min alter after her cake was finished baking and within 15 minutes the dog was back only to have her come over yet again.

 the border collie behind the red current bush

Sheldon got home from his golf around 430 and promptly napped and Kaylin soon after about 445. She was on her way home from Bonnyville for the w/e and requested sausage supper as she came by. After the supper the girls loaded all 3 dogs up and took them to town to the dog park. Sheldon had a bath to limber up his back.
 everybody ready
 and we are off
 formerly known as arm rest makes a great chin rest
 Coco loves the park

 3 amigos
even try the agility obstacle. The troops arrive home at 7:30 and Kaylin heads back to the city by 8. The rain started to roll after threatening lots at 9:30. Amazingly Shaina spent the night at home!
 this quirky cat loves the tramp

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