Wednesday, July 17, 2013

812 - new soffit and facia

Day 812 was a mixed weather day. The repair fellows were here by 8 am to put the last of soffit and facia up. It started overcast so I painted two coats on the growth chart, mowed some grass or more specifically weeds around the shop, trimmed trees of more dead branches, moved panels back to normal so Sheldon can move bales behind the shop while Sheldon sprayed weeds and weed eated under evergreen trees.
While painting in the garage I found my pot of dahlias I brought in last fall, and amazingly there was green shoots.. after months of no water or care. I had to plant in the garden!!

Britt got up late at noon when she was to have a dental appointment. She scurried off to town for her cleaning around 12:30.
garden floor before

It also seems truck troubles are back. This was his nemesis for the day and after consulting with Dale went back to town for his dental cleaning at 1:30 and order alternator number 3!

The weather continued to be odd.. threatened rain with bouts of full sun then the wind picked up after lunch :-( Britt did go out and ride while Sheldon moved the gravel pile around the raised garden boxes. I moved the composters moving to new location and putting stuff away. The fellows finished up by about 3 pm. Britt made cookies!!

 gravel goes around
Shaina home from work Shannon stopped soon after, at 4:30 I tried to get her to ride before the threatening storm came in but found them sleeping. They finally headed out about 5:15 as Britt and Sheldon went back to town yet again, this time to get her paycheck, pick up the new alternator and grab burgers for supper.
The storm came in while the girls were riding only bringing .5/10th and the sun popped out at 7:30. Shannon and Shaina headed to Kate's for the evening at 7. Sheldon went out to install the alternator while I tidied and vacuumed the house. The dust permeates every crevice daily with this weather. I noticed the fat pen hovering around the water trough, Sheldon checked and yes, bone dry so he filled it.
 gravel looks so clean..but lots more to go
The evening was gorgeous again. Oddly fog rolled in later in the evening with a creepy look.

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