Tuesday, July 2, 2013

797 - 34 degrees hot!

Day 797 is a smoker. The morning started out hot even. Britt was out the door to work at 6:40 am and by the time I headed to work it was 24 already. I grabbed an ice cap to start my work day! After I finished up at noon I dropped a copy of the caricature off with Asher then ran to Walmart and Rona for a few errands.

Back home Britt was relaxing in the basement with the kitties. The other calico kitten was picked up later in the afternoon going to a young lady in town. I updated the blog and photos but it is just to hot to do anything!

 leaving only Ralph to find a home
my first peony in 3 years!
Britt went to town for ice cream at 4 and back at 5:15. I went out and watered garden in the sweltering heat.
Debby arrived about 5:30 from her northern travels. We enjoyed a cold beer before loading up and heading to town to meet Amanda and the kids at the Roadhouse for supper. Asher kept us entertained with his busy puppy routine.

We finished up around 8 returning to the ranch where we donned jeans and shoes. It was time to load a few bales to get off the field and stored before the projected rain falls. Deb, Britt and I managed to load 120 small square bales, stack and store in the shop in 1 1/2 hours.

Back in the house after 10 for a shower and frosty slush beverage we waited the Edmonton travelers to arrive home just before 11. Shaina and Sam went out to hose KD cut and ride and were back just after midnight as everyone was heading to bed.

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