Sunday, June 30, 2013

795 - Sunny Sunday hay rolled up

Day 795 up early by 7 and making coffee and feeding Diego by 7:30. Chuck deb, dad and I enjoyed coffee and baileys, eventually Mom joined us. Dale, Stacie and the kids came from the trailer just before 9. The girls all slept late
 Mya loving up Wreck it Ralph
The balers did not move fast but eventually started raking at 11:30 and round bales rolling up around 3. The day was spent visiting with more rounds of food and drink.
 needed to back the Buick up in this all Ford lineup

Deb drove Chuck to the airport at 2 for his 5 pm flight back to Vegas and she continued on to visit friends. Mom and Dad, Dale's and Travis loaded up and were off around 2:30 heading various directions to shop a bit before going home, getting gas or just heading home.

Craig and Amanda stayed to visit until just after 4. By now the small square baler finally got moving. He eventually brought a tractor and rake guy over to fluff it up ahead of him. Steph had a nice nap while Britt enjoyed more TV time. I updated the blog and enjoyed the sunshine and watching the bales be wrapped up.

Britt, Steph and I had quick supper then watched Hot Chick ad when done at 10 the bales were all finished too, 105 round and 530 small square.

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