Thursday, June 27, 2013

792 - grand central station

Day 792 was another lack of sleep night. After Steph was safely here the movie goers showed up at 1:30. Sheldon got up at 3:45 and had Shaina ready to roll by 4:15am. She was back in the bright sunshine at 5:45 again as he was about to take off. I went and woke Britt up at 6:30 and she was off to the stables before 7. Now it was Shaina's turn to be up at 8:15 and she left for work before 9.

I got ready for work, pitched hay to horses, fed dogs and kittens and headed to work. Not so easy anymore with 4 scampering kittens so after corralling them all and setting them on my lap I could safely back out before putting them back in the garage and closing the door. I left Steph and the fellows sleeping. I deposited Shaina's tip money and grabbed a Canadian Colada Booster Juice for work.

My work is very quiet as the Bow has been shut down since the flooding and will continue until Monday at the earliest. The office however was very busy with city folk working on backup stuff at every available computer in our office. Amanda and the kids stopped for a brief visit at my office before I had to run to my dental cleaning at 12. I grabbed a few groceries on the way home.

Britt was back home after 11 and the boys headed to Banff for the night. She spent much time napping while Steph read until I got home at 1:30 and made some lunch. Britt ran Caleb and her to town quick to get report cards and grab a few groceries I missed :-)

Steph and I took the kitties out only to find we had a angry weasel under the wood pile. Eventually it managed to escape while Diego continued to dig in the pile looking for it. The rest of the afternoon was relaxed with lots of say yes to the dress shows. Shaina was home from work around 3:30.
 the angry weasel?

 armful of kittens
 who like to sleep in dust pans
 Steph braving the wood pile to help digging D
Brittany drove Shaina, Stephanie and Shannon to wing night at the station just before 9. Stephanie gets to experience her first night at the bar. I pitched hay to the horses and caught up the blog, finally to date! It was then time to relax in bed and catch up on a PVR show while Britt relaxed until returning to town to pickup the girls later tonight.
this is a photo of Sheldon's co-worker in High River of fire department at their house Tuesday, they still say a week before they can even get back to look.

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