Friday, June 21, 2013

786 - flooding everywhere but not here

Day 786, was ANOTHER early day. I awoke at 5:15 to hear an alarm.. yes Sheldon's phone in the kitchen. After he shut it off I hear noises in the kitchen at 6:11, it was Shaina off to her early golf course shift I forgot about (poor girl.. and only 3 hour shift!) The fog was so cool should have snapped a photo. Back in bed I heard a vehicle at 6:30 and sure enough a little black car was parked on our road down by the pit, perhaps an early morning pee break?? Eventually the driver toodled on not knowing I had the binoculars on him :-) Finally I headed back to bed till 9.

the rain is causing chaos everywhere in the foothills. Poor High River was flooded yesterday and this am downtown Calgary pictures show much damage.
high river
 below Calgary downtown and stampede grounds

Shaina was finished work by 9:30 stopped at the gym and was home by 11. Soon after, Sheldon Shaina and I loaded up the dogs and headed to the river to see the damage there. Britt stayed home to study for her only final at 1, math!
 makeshift leashes from garbage bag and a ratchet strap

In the afternoon the fellows returned with a rental car. Shaina went to Standard to play her first ball game which they won, after a late night she and Emily returned here to sleepover.
 while at the river we drove around to get top pillar ideas, I like the above best

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