Monday, May 20, 2013

754 - Victoria Day Monday

Day 754 is Victoria Day, first long w/e of spring. We awoke to light covering of rain. Coyotes were howling in the night and hunter Sheldon tried to get them with no luck about 2:30. The morning was lazy as everyone got going with coffee. Once the sausage brunch was ready the girls joined Grama, Papa, Sheldon and I then visited for a bit before Shaina presented her picture show of her trip.
 2 hibiscus blooms greeted us this morning, thanks to Grama and Papa for the lovely plant for "mothers day" for me

I did laundry during the day and finished putting the hanger on a growth chart as the custom dresser was going to be picked up along with it this afternoon. The girls then went out to ride horses as the sun was out now and it was beautiful.
Grama and Papa headed for home just before 3, Shannon arrived to go golfing with Shaina and they left at 3:30 as the fellow arrived to pick up the painted goods. Sheldon started changing oil in the Buick as I ran a few swipes down the road with the lawnmower. He then changed it and serviced it ready for this year. I watered the front flower beds well as they do not get any rain where they lie and most of my perennials are peeking thru finally.

Next was Britt's car, the rule is if you get Dad to do a free oil change you have to help him out so off they went to get it done. They also worked on speaker issues before coming in for supper.
I noticed Mr Jenkins looking worse for wear on the deck when I started watering but by supper when I was out and he was still in the same place, I knew something was wrong. He usually jumps down and will come for scratches but just laid there. It seems he ran into something that gave him a work over. He had dried what seemed bite marks in his fur but no punctures. he had pine needles stuck in the fur too and his feet were packed with dried mud. His back right leg is very sore and hard to walk on so he was brought in and nurse Britt cut away matts and checked him out, got him food and water and he was admitted to the house hospital on Coco's big pillow. He did not mind all the attention but for sure will need some rest to heal his wounds. Pretty tough way to get a night in the garage he loves!

Shaina and Shannon got home from golfing just before 8 as Britt was giving Sheldon a buzz cut. I fed the 2 horses for 2nd time today, both are putting on weight and Scooter is shed out nicely. I shedded Julio a ton more and he will soon be all shed out and slick too. Scooter enjoyed my scratching with the shedder wiggling her lips and leaning into it, so funny.

Kate joined the gaggle downstairs and they were noisy like when they were teens at a sleepover. Britt managed to get to sleep though she said the next day. Kate slept over.

As we were getting ready to fall asleep a beep kept going in the kitchen. Both of us each got up 5 times to track it down.. checking microwave, dishwasher, washing machine etc. I said it sounded like a dying phone so we checked every cordless phone and our cells. We flipped breakers and heated water yet once back in bed the beep would sound. I decided to wait in the kitchen as it was every 5 minutes. I said it might be Pat's phone, Sheldon said no she would call us. Sure enough a few minutes passed and it went again coming not from the kitchen. After quite a search we found Papa's phone near the door!! :-) Mystery solved and sleep ensued.

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