Thursday, May 2, 2013

736 - shop progress begins!

Day 736 found the shop being started at 7 am on a beautiful sunny day. Britt was off driving herself to school so I began my day early too. She left a note on Sheldon's wallet and this on the door reminding him she wanted to drive her car to school today. :-) He remembered , must have been the notes.
I snapped some pre photos to capture the change in landscape to start. My back was so sore today after all last nights work but I found a cure, hit your thumb with a hammer and back pain goes away. I worked on taking hardware off and preparing the long dresser in the morning. While tacking the one rail in place, I proceeded to smash my thumb and cure my back pain :-)
 measuring and marking
 nap time, Daisy just got up and I missed KD doing downward dog stretch

 going out to meet the crew and check the placement.. with guard dog ahead barking
 here is the bare raw space
 drilling begins
 and this how deep the holes are
 nearly half done
 mountains bright in the background, the new harrow system waiting to finish the field
 The fellows finished marking the outline and drilling all post holes by 12:30, had lunch and were on their way to next job until the posts arrive for ours. I fed the horses who were enjoying another gorgeous sunny day.
The afternoon I painted the first coat of grey on the dresser. Another painting tip I learned today, never shake a glass jar with paint and plaster to mix with wet hands!! This requires a great deal of time spent washing the floor and tubs around the area for a few feet up!

Britt rode Bird once home from school, hosed and fed her before she changed quickly, grabbed a salad I made and was picked up for baseball at 5:50! Sheldon arrived home from work, sucked back and beer and was picked up by Darren to go to his farewell party from EnCana.

I enjoyed a salad and beer before heading back to the garage for 2nd coat. The poles for the shop arrived at 8, I was starting to worry as cement is coming tomorrow as well so they best arrive but that they did.
I watched 2 PVR shows to round out my evening, Britt got home from baseball at 10. Sheldon may be much later as it is 11 and I am off to bed! Night all!

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