Tuesday, April 30, 2013

734 - mini spa day for me

Day 734 was quite a day. Britt drove to school solo again even though I was going to work for the morning. Yes it has been well over a month, so long my pass no longer worked :-) Before I got to work though I stopped for teas and dropped Asher's jug of milk off. A quick visit and tea time with Sharon and I got busy doing 7 programs and about 50 spinner inputs.

Then the fun started. I had a facial to use from Martin and it was fantastic, THANKS MART!! This was followed by a massage. My back is still painful so this helped a bit for sure. I could not go to work after this as I had the greasiest hair you have ever seen and of course a stripped clean face that was splotchy and greasy too, so at 2 I headed home grabbing the mail on the way.

At home I hoovered down a piece of left over steak and a few snap peas before staging photos of the purple table. It is ready for sale.

Britt arrived home for a 2nd solo day in a row, again with a booster juice! She was kind enough to pickup a mirror I purchased online for me too, thanks Britt.

  the shop building crew stopped at 5 to survey the site and it seems it is a go
After the crew unloaded and left, her and I went out to feed horses and pitch hay. It was such a beautiful evening that we shedded out a few horses too.
Sheldon worked late making up some hours he took off Friday getting home at 7 so we enjoyed a scrumptious roast chicken supper I had made. The evening was relaxing enjoying the no wind and sunshine.

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